Mi-Wave’s 93(x) Series Active Frequency Multipliers utilize high performance MMIC chips for frequency multiplication and amplification. More configurations are available under different model numbers. Contact our sales engineers with your specific multiplier needs.

*All data presented is collected from a sample lot.
* Actual data may vary unit to unit, slightly.
*All testing was performed under +25 °C case temperature.
*Consult factory to confirm if material, plating, size, shape, orientation and any electrical parameter is critical for the application as website information is for reference only.
*Millimeter Wave Products, Inc. reserves the right to change the information presented on website without notice as we continue to enhance the performance and design of our products.
Our W-band Multipliers are for the spectrum in the millimeter wave range of frequencies from 75 to 110 gigahertz (GHz).
Mi-wave multipliers offer moderate conversion gain with output frequency covering 18 to 140 GHz in six waveguide bands. The X2, X3, X4, and X6 are offered as standard multiplication factors. The input power requirement for these multipliers is +5 to +10 dBm. While SMA or K female coaxial connector is equipped for input and waveguide for output interface, waveguide input is available as an option for U, V, E, and W Band multipliers.
Note: Our website contains just a few of the type of multipliers we build. Consult with us for your specific needs.