Millimeter Wave Products Inc
Millimeter Wave Products Inc

Frequency Letter Band Ku-Band
Frequency Range 12 to 18 GHz
Wavelength 16.7 mm to 25 mm

The Ku-Band as defined by IEEE is a frequency range from 12 to 18 GHz. The Ku-band is mostly used for satellite TV and for VSAT systems on ships.

Some Key Applications of the Ku-Band:

Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) (11.7 to 12.7 GHz): This is the part of Ku-band spectrum is used for Fixed Satellite Services. Almost every antenna dish ranging from 1 meter to 1.7 meter size is used for FSS band reception. Free-To-Air (FTA) satellite systems also use the FSS band.

Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) (12.2 to 12.7 GHz): This is the part of Ku-band spectrum used for Direct Satellite Broadcasting. This band is reserved for high powered satellites intended for the delivery of digital television.

Key Points of the Ku band:

•   The wide spacing between satellites allows for very high powered transmissions which results in the ability to use smaller dish antennas for VSAT applications.

•    Ku band incurs lesser terrestrial interference.
